Loricism Wiki
A wiki for Loric philosophy with 79 articles since March 2018

Ingeniumtile Ratiotile Justicetile
Fallaciestile Biasestile Resourcestile

Best Self, Best Ideas, Best World.

Loricism is best thought of as a system of "martial arts of the mind" (it is modeled after martial arts in execution and teaching style), which combines inner character development, critical thinking, and communication skills. As a philosophy, it aims to provide actionable wisdom for everyday living through self-control, self-awareness, and self-confidence building.

It places heavy emphasis on internal locus of control, and similar to Stoicism, strives to help practitioners determine and excise anxiety over that which lies beyond our control. It also places a high value on the principle of reasonable individual autonomy (live your life as you wish while doing your best to avoid inflicting suffering onto others). This is only one element of Loricism, called Ingenium. Ingenium is comprised of 12 distinct virtues spread across 4 areas of focus (Autonomy, Duty, Will, Wisdom). Ingenium also aims to help individuals using concepts or strategies that are comprised of multiple virtues, such as Shedding.

The second element is Communicatio Ratio, or reasonable communication. Where Ingenium deals with the internals, this element aims to facilitate stronger and more effective reasoning and communication skills. Here is a heavy focus on logic, rhetoric, recognizing logical fallacies and cognitive biases, and more cooperative interactions with others. The most important aspect of this is reasonableness and constant improvement of ideas. Many aspects of this tie directly in with the Ingenium elements, such as dealing with manipulation and being assertive.

The third and final element is Cultura, or building a culture of strength of character and reasonable interaction. The aim of this is to work toward eliminating toxic cultural attributes like extremism, inadequate or dangerous ideology, and unethical majority or minority rule. Like the other elements, the concept of reasonableness plays a major role here, as does the "Idea of Best Ideas." A strong foundation in the other two elements is necessary for Cultura to work, as individuals should be proficient in recognizing faulty premises, manipulation, and other devices used for the purpose of developing unreasonable cultural control.


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